
View our job listings below.

Software engineering

Computer science and related aspects of software development

Machine Learning Engineer Intern (University, Paid, Level 1 to 3)

Software developer Intern (Cegep, Unpaid, Level 1 to 3)

Infographism/Designer Intern (Cegep, Unpaid, Level 1 to 3)

Scrum Master Intern (Cegep, Unpaid, Level 1 to 3)

Mobile Developer Intern (Cegep, Unpaid, Level 1 to 3)

UI/UX Experience Intern (Cegep, Unpaid, Level 1 to 3)


Management Aspects

Administrative Executive Assistant Intern (Cegep, Unpaid, Level 1 to 3)

Translation and writing

Language and clarity of content

Traduction/Redaction Intern (Cegep, Unpaid, Level 1 to 3)


Judicial aspects

No jobs at the moment...

Colleagues (Human Resources)

People's aspects

Human Resources Intern (Cegep, Unpaid, Level 1 to 3)


Financial aspects

Finance/Accounting Intern (Cegep, Unpaid, Level 1 to 3)


Marketing aspects

Marketing Intern (Cegep, Unpaid, Level 1 to 3)